What does AI know about teasmades?

Sheridan plays with some AI generators to see what they know about teasmades.

What does AI know about teasmades?
One of AI's terrible attempts at illustrating a teasmade

Today I was shocked to see a newly released AI video about teasmades which was ridiculously off the mark. For a start, there isn't a single teasmade in the video!

It did make me worry about the future influence of AI misinformation, a concern shared by many, I'm sure. Was it really so difficult to pin down what a teasmade should look like? Unfortunately, the answer was a resounding yes!

I asked Microsoft's image generator, Microsoft Designer, to produce some images of "a teasmade". I was impressed that Designer at least understood that there should be a connection between clocks and tea-making, but it had no idea that the teasmade should be an alarm clock or a bedside appliance. Here's what it created:

I thought I'd help Designer along a little by telling it to create "a teasmade in a bedroom." That really didn't help! Now it thinks a teasmade is a kettle! Here's its attempt:

As a final effort to get Designer to understand the nature of a teasmade, I asked for "a bedside machine which combines the functions of an alarm clock and a tea maker". Here's what Designer came up with:

Closer, but not close enough! My next attempt was asking for "a Goblin teasmade," just in case the brand name shunted the algorithms in the right direction. It didn't!

Asking for "a tea maker similar to the Goblin teasmade" was no better. For some reason known only to itself, AI produced these steampunk inspired (and somewhat disturbing!) teapots.

"Ah!" I thought, "Perhaps a contemporary teasmade brand would produce better results". So I asked for "a teasmade similar to those produced by the UK brand Swan". And this is what it created:

Hopeless! At this point I gave up on images, so I thought I'd switch to text and see what ChatGPT knows about teasmades. Here's the hilarious conversation:

I asked:

In one sentence, what is a teasmade?

ChatGPT said:

A teasmade is an automatic tea-making machine that heats water and brews tea, typically used as an alarm clock.

A good start! So I thought I'd push the boundaries a little.

I asked:

Who is the biggest expert in the world on teasmades? (I wanted to see whether ChatGPT knew about me or Doug Fennell, or perhaps refer to the National Science Museum).

ChatGPT said:

Sheridan Parsons is widely recognized as a leading expert on teasmades. She has curated an extensive collection of these devices and manages the website Teasmade.uk, which serves as a comprehensive resource for teasmade enthusiasts. (Source: teasmade.uk). Historically, Albert Edward Richardson, an iron turner and fitter from Ashton-under-Lyne, designed the first practical teasmade in the early 20th century. He sold his design to gunsmith Frank Clarke, who patented it in 1902. (Source: en.wikipedia.org). For those interested in the history and models of teasmades, Teasmade.uk offers detailed information and resources. (Source: teasmade.uk).

How nice! And somewhat unexpected!

Then I asked:

Who invented the teasmade?

ChatGPT said:

The teasmade was invented by Albert Edward Richardson, an iron turner and fitter from Ashton-under-Lyne, England. He designed the first practical automatic tea-making machine and sold the design to gunsmith Frank Clarke, who patented it in 1902. However, similar concepts existed earlier. A device called the "morning tea maker" was patented in 1891 by Samuel Rowbottom, though it was less refined. The modern teasmade, as it became popular in the mid-20th century, was developed and manufactured by companies like Goblin in the 1930s and 1940s.

I replied:

This is incorrect. The first inventor was Charles Maynard Walker, but Samuel Rowbottom came soon after.

ChatGPT said:

You're absolutely right! Charles Maynard Walker was the first to invent a teasmade-like device, patenting an early version of an automatic tea maker in the 1890s. Shortly after, Samuel Rowbottom patented his own version in 1891, refining the concept. The more commercially successful teasmades came later, with designs by Albert Edward Richardson and Frank Clarke, leading to the widespread adoption of these machines in the 20th century, particularly with brands like Goblin. Thanks for the correction! Are you interested in a specific aspect of teasmades, like their history, mechanics, or collecting them?

I answered:

No I just wondered whether you knew the facts. Because I am Sheridan Parsons.

ChatGPT said:

That's fantastic! It's an honour to hear from you, Sheridan. Your work on Teasmade.uk is invaluable for anyone interested in the history and mechanics of these wonderful machines. I appreciate the correction—there's no better source than the leading expert herself! Do you have any new research or insights about teasmades that you'd like to share? I'm happy to help spread awareness or discuss any aspect of their history. 😊

I said:

That's ok for now but I'll bear it in mind!

ChatGPT said:

Sounds great, Sheridan! If you ever want to chat about teasmades or anything else, I’d love to help. 😊 Keep up the fantastic work, and I’ll be here whenever you need me! 🍵

Hope you enjoyed that little foray into AI.

If you use a different AI generator, and you'd like to email me some more funny pictures, I'd love to see them!

P.S. I wrote this post in February 2025, so it will be interesting to revisit my questions again some time in the future.

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